Tiger's Nest

Tiger’s Nest


Many tourists have it on their bucket lists to hike to the Tiger’s Nest Monastery. The monastery contains temples, modest dwellings, and lovely Bhutanese dining establishments. The Paro Valley may be seen beautifully from the wooden stairs and bridges. Approximately eight caves may be found in the monastery. Because Guru Padmasambhava meditated in Tholu Phuk and Pel Phuk, these two caverns receive the most visitors. In March, when the Tshechu festival is held in honor of the Guru Padmasambhava, you should visit the Tiger’s Nest Monastery to learn more about Buddhist heritage and enjoy the rich Buddhist culture.


Location: Bhutan

Nearest Airport: Thimphu

How to reach: 5 hours from Paro airport by road

Famous for: Natural views,

Gangte goemba monastery

Best time to visit: All year round


Tiger’s Nest Monastery, one of the most famous religious places in Bhutan.

Beautiful Scenery Enroute is paradise to Bhutan which gives you an unforgettable trekking experience.

Ramthongka, which showcases the cultural heritage of Bhutan.


History and legend

In the eighteenth century, Padmasambhava, a saint who established the Buddhism Mahayana School, paid a first visit to this sacred spot, beginning the history of the Tiger’s Nest Monastery Bhutan. According to legend, Yeshe Tsogyal changed into a tigress and rode to Taktshang in eastern Bhutan on the back of Indian Guru Padmasambhava. Then he spent four months meditating in a cave on top of a mountain, where he defeated the bad demons and began instructing people about the value of Buddhist culture. Taktshang (Tiger Nest) evolved into one of the most significant Buddhist monuments as the influence of Buddhism among people increased. Because Guru Padmasambhava was the second major Guru to establish Buddhism in Bhutan after Buddha, he is sometimes referred to as the second Buddha there. Many well-known Tibetan saints, like Milarepa, Thangton Gyalpo, and the Terton Pema Lingpa, came to meditate as Buddist culture gained popularity.

tigers nest monastry from a nearby viewpoint

Trek to Tiger’s Nest

Because of its grandeur and picturesque views, Tiger’s Nest Monastery in Bhutan, which is 10,332 feet above sea level, is one of the most popular tourist destinations. Mountain trekking is the only method to get to the Bhutan monastery. With the few hours you wish to spend in the monastery, soak up the silence, and treat yourself to breathtaking views, the Bhutan hike typically takes 6-7 hours. Birds will be chirping as you see trees coated in soft green moss. After several hours of hiking, you will arrive at your first destination, a lovely tea house where you can see the tiger’s nest up close and in detail. The Buddhist prayer flags that represent the Buddhist culture are stunning and vivid as you approach your second destination, also known as the viewpoint, which is located across from the Tiger’s Nest Monastery in Bhutan. Large, little, and lovely Bhutanese prayer flags mark the way to the monastery. Prayer wheels will also be visible, providing you with a reason to stop and take pictures. The monks turn the prayer wheels each morning.

When you arrive at the monastery in Bhutan, you will see the golden statue of Padmasambhava, which revives Buddhist history. There is a large, central statue of a tiger that is ornamented with flickering lights. You can observe lush vegetation and tall trees along the cliffside of the temple, which nicely encapsulates the spirituality of the monastery. You can stop at a little stand on the way back and have a delectable lunch of red rice, ema, a chili dish, vegetable curries, and dal, which is typical of Bhutan. Your trekking trip is made even more unforgettable by the delectable meal and the unrestricted view. You might stop by a tiny Buddhist market close to the tiger nest to add additional memorable experiences to your Bhutan trip memory book. It provides you with a selection of Bhutanese handicrafts, souvenirs, and many more items.

one side of tiger's nest monastery seen amidst the fog

Know About Ramthongkha the Base of the Trek

Ramthongkha is perched 3,000 feet above the valley on a granite cliff. From Ramthongkha, you can take a stroll to Tiger’s viewpoint, where you can observe rhododendron blossoms and mountain ranges in full bloom. The sacred monastery is Ramthongkha. People are advised to visit this location at least once in their lifetime to learn more about Bhutanese people’s religious practices. You are welcome to stay in a typical Bhutanese home.
