Best Botswana Safari Itinerary Botswana Family Safari



Best Botswana Safari Itinerary

Botswana is a landlocked country in the southern part of Africa, surrounded by Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. It is home to the famous Kalahari Desert and the Okavango Delta. WildVoyager provides you with the best Botswana safari itinerary. The Okavango Delta is a vast inland river delta in northern Botswana. About 38% of the country’s land is reserved for national parks, which is one of the highest in the world. Botswana boasts the highest concentration of Elephants in entire Africa, about 50,000 of them, spread mainly across Chobe national park and the Linyanti region. A significant part of Botswana’s area is taken up by the Kalahari desert, which is home to many animals like the South African giraffe, bush elephant, white rhino, cape buffalo, spotted hyena, brown hyena, honey badger, meerkat, yellow mongoose, warthog, African leopard, South African cheetah, caracal, Cape wild dog, cape porcupine, blue wildebeest, black-backed jackal, Cape fox, lion, plains zebra, common eland, gemsbok, springbok, steenbok, sable antelope, impala, greater kudu, aardvark, cape ground squirrel, bat-eared fox,, red hartebeest, Cape hare, chacma baboon, and ostrich.

Botswana sits close to the majestic Victoria Falls. It houses an abundance of nature. At least 90 percent of the country is covered with savannahs. The country has adequate vegetation to hold diverse wildlife. It also has wetlands and dry areas. Here, several species have adapted according to unique landscapes. The significant flora and fauna of Botswana create magnificent beauty.

However, there are vast expanses of untouched land in the country, and it is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world. At the same time, it features some of the most luxurious resorts in entire Africa, and a few are accessible only by chartered flights during the rainy season. Game viewing here is plenty and Chobe National Park, Moremi Game Reserve, Okavango Delta, and Central Kalahari GR are some of the most popular game reserves in the country. A journey through this wonderland of Kalahari and Okavango ecosystems is an experience that one remembers for a lifetime. Consult our destination experts today to help design a tailor-made Botswana plan for you.

The Wildlife and Birdlife of Botswana

The country as a whole is a natural game reserve for Southern Africa’s wildlife. Major animals can be found in different areas of Botswana. The country boasts at least 164 species of animals. These include the African Big Five. This group consists of the lion leopard, elephant, buffalo, and rhino. One can also spot big cats in their natural habitats. Cheetahs, serval, and caracals are occasionally seen. Giraffes and zebras are plentiful.

Travelers can also witness rare animals in the country. These include packs of wild dogs and hyenas. Near rivers and lakes, one can see various aquatic animals. Pods of hippos and hungry crocodiles are often spotted relaxing. Moreover, Botswana has over 157 species of reptiles.

Botswana attracts birders and ornithologists from all over the world. It is home to over 550 diverse species of avifauna. The country is a haven for different birds coming in all shapes and sizes. One can spot all kinds of birdlife here. The most famous birds to spot here are the Kori bustard, Hamerkop, mousebirds, trogon, and many more. Rare birds are a sight to see in the country. These include the African grass owl, Bohm’s Spine tail, and red phalarope among others.

The flora and fauna of Botswana attract nature and wildlife enthusiasts in large numbers. The country showcases animals living in well-protected and natural habitats.

Holiday Ideas

The Top Destinations in the Best Botswana Safari Itinerary

Botswana is filled with famous sites and destinations. From national parks to reserves and wilderness areas, the country offers a lot to explore. Many parks are accessible and provide unique game viewing. Botswana’s safari experiences are rewarding and unforgettable.

Along with wildlife, one can observe stunning landscapes only seen in this country. Travelers can also immerse themselves in local traditions and cultures. The best Botswana safari itinerary lets travelers enjoy a luxury African vacation.

The country offers sophisticated accommodation options. These include lodges, camps, and cottages. For the adventurous, a mobile safari is also available. Travelers can enjoy wildlife actions. At the same time, they are pampered with world-class hospitality in the middle of the wilderness. Do keep in mind that many lodges may have age restrictions as well.

Here are some of the best places to include in the best Botswana safari itinerary


Okavango Delta

The Okavango is an inland delta. It is a varied ecosystem created by the Okavango River. The river flows into Botswana’s Kalahari Desert. Okavango Delta is rich in wildlife. It is a sanctuary for some of the endangered animals of the world. The delta is known to be an exclusive wilderness destination.

The delta is fed by the Okavango River. It comprises three main geographical areas. Its rich ecosystem supports dynamic animals. The aquatic environment of the delta displays thousands of plant and tree species. Around 160 species of mammals have adapted to the delta. The most common animals seen during safaris are elephants and hippopotamus. Predators like lions, leopards, and rare wild dogs have also adapted to Okavango. Other creatures like Sitatunga, lechwe, bushbuck, and many more are spotted.

The best way to enjoy Okavango Delta is through boat cruises. The traditional Mokoro, a wooden canoe, is used for these rides. Mokoro rides are best taken in delta’s lagoons, channels, and overgrown islands. Travelers can see the colorful wildlife of Okavango during this ride.

Okavango delta helicopter tour

Okavango delta drone view


Chobe National Park

Chobe is one of the most biologically diverse parks. It is also the first established park in Botswana. Chobe has the largest wildlife concentration in Africa. It has a variety of fauna and lush vegetation. The park is divided into four ecosystems or areas. Each has unique animal and bird species. A safari in Botswana is incomplete without Chobe.

Wildlife is seen across the park. Chobe is famed for its massive elephant herds. It is also home to large lion pride and herds of buffalo. Plain animals like wildebeest, zebras, and kudus are often spotted. Along with lions, dominant predators like hyenas are also seen.

Although rare, wild dogs, cheetahs, and leopards roam some areas of Chobe. The Chobe or the Linyanti River is the hotspot for various animals. Here, travelers can see hippos and crocodiles. River cruises are extremely famous in Chobe River. One can see various animal species huddled near the riverfront.

Chobe’s birdlife is incredible. Over 450 bird species live inside the park. During a river cruise, one can spot diverse avifauna. These include kingfishers, swallows, herons, and many more. Chobe national park is the top addition to the best Botswana safari itinerary.

Chobe national park wild dogs


Moremi Game Reserve

Moremi Game Reserve is located in Okavango Delta. It is a protected area in Botswana. Moremi is the oldest protected section of the delta. It is also the only proclaimed reserve in Okavango. The reserve, along with the spectacular Khwai area, is known for its widespread beauty.

Moremi covers approximately 40 percent of the Okavango. It experiences an annual flood that displays the interaction between water and wildlife. The game reserve covers the eastern and central areas of the Okavango delta. It showcases the distinction between dry regions and waterways. The savannahs offer incredible sightings of big game. Many animals are spotted near the watering holes of Moremi. Endangered species also reside in the reserve. These include cheetahs, rhinos, African lions, and wild dogs.

Birds come in large numbers in this game reserve. Moremi houses over 500 vibrant bird species. Moremi’s ecosystem is among the richest in Africa. Travelers can enjoy authentic safaris in the reserve. Moremi should be included in the best Botswana safari itinerary.

Okavango delta elephants


Central Kalahari Game Reserve

The Kalahari Desert covers a large region of Southern Africa. It spreads from Botswana into adjacent South Africa and Namibia. The desert is divided into national parks and reserves. The region of Kalahari appears seemingly unhospitable. However, various animal species have adapted here. Kalahari act as a sanctuary for various wildlife species.

Botswana is home to the Central Kalahari Game Reserve. This magnificent reserve cannot be missed in the best Botswana safari itinerary. It is the largest and most remotely situated reserve in the country. It is here travelers can enjoy exclusive wildlife sightings.

The reserve is extremely scenic and panoramic. During the dry months, the central Kalahari gives rise to desolate pans. This offers extraordinary photographic opportunities. The reserve has various other attractions. These include Deception Valley, Piper’s Pan, and the Leopard Pans.

Large herds of plains game are spotted here. These include gemsbok, red hartebeest, kudus and more. It is also home to the elusive leopards and elephants. The legendary black-maned lion resides in this reserve. Travelers can enjoy wonderful sightings of cheetahs, giraffes, and wildebeests. In contrast to the wetlands of the Okavango Delta, the deserts of Central Kalahari Game Reserve are a unique experience.

Central kalahari game reserve leopard

Central kalahari game reserve lion


Kgalagadi Transfrontier National Park

The Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park is a vast wildlife preserve. It is situated in the Kalahari Desert region. The park is characterized by dry rivers and red dunes. Its hot and arid environment has sparse vegetation. Its dunes have bright red and orange colors.

Despite the unforgiving landscape, the park’s wildlife is prolific. Surrounding the pans and river valleys are the black-maned lions. Cheetahs and leopards are seen chasing their prey. The hyena’s cackles are infrequently heard at night. Large herds of antelopes, blue wildebeest, springbok, eland and more live here. Unusual animals like meerkats, mongooses, and leopard turtles live in the park. If travelers are lucky, they might be able to see endangered pangolins.

The isolated Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park gets a few visitors. It is an ideal park for true explorers and nature enthusiasts.


Makgadikgadi Salt Pans

To uncover unearthly beauty, these Pans are a must-visit. Makgadikgadi Pan is a salt pan. It is one of the largest salt pans on Earth. It is found in the middle of the dry savannah of northeastern Botswana. The pan is the remains of a huge ancient lake. Makgadikgadi Pan is dispersed with occasional vegetation and sandy desert.

This salt-encrusted pan is arid and flat. Travelers can enjoy spotting unique animals living here. The pan houses the biggest zebra population. Springbok and wildebeest are also seen. These hoofed animals are closely followed by predators. These include lions, cheetahs, and leopards. Camping safaris are the most popular way to see wildlife.

The Makgadikgadi Pan attracts large flocks of flamingoes during the rainy season. Travelers can also see dramatic wildlife action in this period. It accounts for a fantastic game viewing.


Linyanti Wildlife Reserve

Linyanti Wildlife Reserve is situated on the southern banks of the Linyanti River. It portrays a dynamic landscape. One can spot lagoons, open grasslands, and riverine forests. The reserve’s variety of scenery is awe-inspiring. It offers pristine views of the reserve. The Linyanti River forms a natural border between Botswana and Namibia.

This private concession offers a remote and undisturbed safari experience. The reserve is known to house a large concentration of wild dogs. Other wildlife sightings include elephants, giraffes, and buffalos. Linyanti thrives in the game which is seen during wet and dry seasons.

The reserve is popular among avid birders. Carmine bee-eaters are often seen nestled on the banks of the river. Thousands of exotic birds migrate to the reserve during the green season.

Wild Voyager specializes in the best Botswana safari itinerary. We also create exciting Botswana Family safari packages. Contact our experts today to help design tailor-made Botswana safari tours.
