
Shangri-La Cultural Tour


The valley of Shangri-La is one where people reach utopia, a place where one is shrouded in tranquility and peace. The tall mountains protect you from the worries of the world. Shangri-La in Bhutan is cradled by Himalayan mountains and adorned with beautiful monasteries and daunting fortresses (known as dzongs). The charm of the beautiful landscape, from vast green plains to soaring mountains, attracts tourists from around the world throughout the year. The best time to visit Bhutan would surely be during the Tsechu Festival, during which one can behold the colorful festivity that can breathe life into any soul and make it come alive with mirth. The Shangri-La Culture Tour follows a 10-day itinerary that lets you appreciate and enjoy enchanting Bhutan sightseeing.

Trip Highlights
  • Witness the beauty of nature amidst the Himalayas.
  • Get a closer look at the rich culture and history of Bhutan by visiting Dzongs and monasteries.
  • Hike to the sacred Tiger’s Nest, the Taktsang Monastery.
  • Spend a day among the nuns and experience the simple ways of life
  • Visit the longest suspension bridge over Mo Chu and Po Chu rivers
  • Marvel at the historic architecture of Jamey Lhakhang, one of the oldest temples in Bhutan
  • Glimpse the old traditional art forms of Bhutan
  • Admire the astounding Dochula Pass and glimpse the daunting Himalayas

Day 1

Arrival at Paro

On the first day, on arrival at Paro, the tourists are driven to Thimphu. The drive is filled with sights of nature that fill the eyes and mind with wonder.

After lunch, the tourists will visit Kuenselphodrang Nature Park and behold its lush greenery and the mammoth statue of Buddha made of bronze.

Then the tourists visit the Memorial Chorten with its stark whiteness, which shines bright against the dusk sky. The Chorten is dedicated to Jigme Dorji Wangchuk, Bhutan’s third king.

The overnight stay will be in Thimphu.

Day 2

Sightseeing at Thimphu

After breakfast, visit the National Library, which holds ancient Buddhist scriptures and manuscripts. Then comes the Institute of Traditional Medicine, which creates herbal medicines from unique Himalayan plants.

After lunch, tourists can also visit the National Institute of Zorig Chusum and the Jungshi Paper Factory to appreciate and get a closer look at authentic Bhutanese traditions.

The magnificent and imposing TashiChho Dzong is the tallest building in the city, and rightfully so, as it houses the Throne Room, the offices of the King, and the ministries of Home Affairs and Finance. The famous yearly festival Tsechu is celebrated with dances in the courtyard of this enormous dzong, which dazzles onlookers with its intricate paintings and grand architecture. One of the oldest Buddhist temples, Changangkha Lhakhang, with its beautiful shrines, is an experience that no one should miss.

Also, while in Thimphu, one should not forget to visit the weekly craft bazaar. The beautiful handicrafts make lovely keepsakes.

Day 3

Visit the beautiful Dochula Pass

On the third day, tourists travel to Punakha and visit the Chortens that are built under the Dochula Pass, which enchant the humbling beauty of the Himalayas surrounding them. To taste something unusual, visit the Chimi Lhakhang temple. The temple showcases phallic images and paintings on its walls, which are believed to ward off evil spirits.

After lunch, visit the Punakha Dzong. At the junction of the rivers Mo Chu and Pho Chu lies Punakha Dzong. This dzong is also a palace that works as an administration building.

Day 4

Marvel at Punakha

The fourth day is filled with the wondrous sights of Punakha. After breakfast, tourists witness the beautiful Chazam valley and Khamsum Yulley Lhakhang, built by the Queen Mother for the welfare of Bhutan.

After lunch, tourists who need an adrenaline rush and want to experience Bhutan sightseeing from a different perspective can cross the Punakha suspension bridge, which is the longest suspension bridge in Bhutan.

Day 5

Arrival at Bumthang

Tourists travel from Punakha to Bumthang on the fifth day, where you can admire the grandeur of the Jakar Dzong, which overlooks the Chokhor valley and is covered with the allure of hills and greenery from all sides. Then, visit the Chume Valley, famous for its yatra wool woven by the women of the valley and dyed in interesting patterns.

Day 6

Explore the bewitching Bumthang

The sixth day is dedicated to the exploration of Bumthang and all its treasures. Called the Switzerland of the East, Bumthang is a natural masterpiece with its entrancing mountains covered with snow and the vast valleys covered in a green blanket. It has the oldest temple in Bhutan, Jamey Lakhang (dated as far back as the 7th century), which is the central location for festivals in Bhutan. Monasteries such as Kurje Lhakhang, which is a complex of three temples surrounded by 108 chortens, are a sight to behold.

The tour representative will also take you to visit Jakar town.

Day 7

Spend a day in the Nunnery

Experience the tranquility at the Pemachholing Nunnery. The nunnery is an array of buildings, including classrooms, hostels, kitchens, and temples. It houses 100 nuns from ages 12 to 70 and is a monastic school for the spiritual education of girls and women. The place has a serene atmosphere.

You will also visit Mebar Tsho, the burning lake of Bumthang. Though not a lake, this pool in Tang Valley is highly thought of in Bhutanese culture.

Day 8

Visit the valley of Paro

The next day, tourists are driven from Bumthang back to Paro, where they will check into a hotel. One can enjoy the valley of Paro in the twilight hours.

Day 9

Hike to Taktsang Monastery

On a ninth day, the tourists experience Bhutan hiking to reach Taktsang Monastery.

A half-hour drive from Paro, Ramthongkha houses the Taktsang Monastery, also known as Tiger’s Nest. Experience Bhutan hiking amidst the hills and lush greenery. The view that the monastery offers will take your breath away and is worth the effort it takes to reach there.

In the evening, relax with a hot stone bath and enjoy the traditional Bhutanese meal.


Day 10


On the final day, the tourists travel from Paro with the most beautiful memories to reach their next destination.
