Punakha Dzongkhag

Punakha Dzongkhag


Bhutan is heaven for tourists who want to live in close proximity to nature in this world of concrete jungles, rising temperatures, and pollution levels. Bhutan features a variety of well-liked tourist attractions. However, the Punakha Dzong must be the gem of its jewelry box. The Punakha Dzong, sometimes referred to as the “Palace of Great Happiness,” is the largest and arguably the most gorgeous of all the dzongs in Bhutan. It is situated in Punakha.

The 1st Zhabdrung Rinpoche, Ngawang Namgyal, built Punakha Dzong, the second-oldest dzong in Bhutan, in the late 1630s. Gyaltsen Tenzin Rabgye constructed a symbolic golden spire, which is housed in the palace’s six-story central tower, also known as the “use,” in the year.


Location: Bhutan

Nearest Airport: Thimphu

How to reach: 2 hours from Thimphu airport by road

Famous for: Largest and most beautiful Dzong in Bhutan

Best time to visit: All year round


The Punakha Dzong

Khamsum Yulley Namgyal Chorten

Jigme Dorji National Park

Punakha Tsechu and Drubchen


Punakha appears to be mesmerizingly gorgeous throughout the year, but in the spring, when the Jacaranda trees that surround the dzong blossom with lilac flowers, it looks to be at its most breathtaking. One is left with an everlasting memory of the sight. The Dzong is situated in a beautiful area between the Pho Chhu and Mo Chhu rivers.

Due to its pleasant temperature, Punakha Dzong serves as Bhutan’s winter capital. The ‘drashtang,’ Bhutan’s chief cleric, and his entourage spend the winter at this palace each year.

view inside punakha dzong

Places to visit in Punakha:

The Punakha Dzong – A trip to Punakha would be lacking without a stop at the dzong. The dzong is a popular destination for tourists visiting Punakha year-round, but it is especially busy during the late-winter Domche festival. It is known for its rich history and regal architecture.

Khamsum Yulley Namgyal Chorten: Spend as much time as you can in the Khamsum Yulley Namgyal Chorten if you want to travel to Bhutan in quest of inner serenity. It is a Buddhist temple constructed to encourage world peace and harmony. The temple is accessible by climbing a short slope covered in prayer wheels.

The second-largest national park in the nation is Jigme Dorji National Park, a haven for birdwatchers from all over the world. The Himalayan Black Buck, Royal Bengal Tiger, and snow leopard can all be found in the national park. For a very long time, it has been included on the preliminary list of World Heritage Sites. One of Punakha’s top tourist destinations in the national park.

These celebrations, known as Punakha Tsechu and Drubchen, take place in the Punakha Dzong every February. The thongdrol of Guru Rinpoche, whose display is claimed to absolve onlookers of all sins, is unfurled during the Punakha Tsechu festival. A timeline of the dzong’s building is displayed at the Drubchen festival.

punakha dzong glows in its light at night

Festivals in Punakha

The most significant holiday in Punakha is Domche. Every year, it is a five-day celebration that takes place in February or March. One of Bhutan’s most prized belongings, Rangjung (‘Self-Created’) Kharsapani, which is housed in the dzong’s main tower, is displayed during the Domche festival. Awe-inspiring scenes can be seen during the festival. In the courtyard of the dzong, a masked dance is performed as the festival’s grand finale.

There are many fascinating sites to see and enjoyable things to do in the alluring city of Punakha. The experience of a holiday here, far from the pollution and commotion of the city, is genuinely unmatched when combined with the kind and friendly attitude of the Bhutanese people.
