Dochula Pass

Dochula Pass


Bhutan, regarded as the world’s happiest nation, is a natural paradise! Dochula Pass will leave you speechless with its breathtaking vistas among the numerous serene areas! It is the first high pass of the western area and a beautiful landmark, serving as a superb illustration of the culture and nature of Bhutan.


Dochula Pass, a popular tourism destination, connects Punakha and Thimphu at a height of 3150 meters above sea level. It provides a 360-degree view of the majestic Himalayas and is the ideal location to take in the natural splendor while holding a mug of steaming coffee. The park’s vibrant prayer flags and 108 Druk Wangyal Chortens, or stupas, which the Queen Mother erected in tribute to the troops of Bhutan, are its most notable features. Visit this breathtaking Bhutanese pass for a unique opportunity to explore nature on picnics!


Location: Bhutan

Nearest Airport: Trongsa

How to reach: 1 hour from Paro airport by road

Famous for: Beautiful landscapes

Best time to visit: All year round



Lying on the way of Thimphu and Punakha, there are a lot of places like Simtokha Dzong, Royal Botanical Garden, Motithang Takin Preserve, Coronation Park, Terton Gallery, Clock Tower Square, Memorial Chorten, Changangkha Lhakhang, etc. that you can see when you visit Dochula Pass.




The story behind the 108 Druk Wangyal Chortens:

King Jigme Singye Wangchuk’s army engaged the Assamese insurgents from India in combat in 2003 and won. As a result of the Bhutanese army’s defeat, Queen Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuk suggested building these iconic Chortens.

It has a total of three layers, the first layer has 45 Chortens, the second layer has 36 Chortens, and the top layer has 27 Chortens. The entirety of the Druk Wangyal Khang Zhang Chortens in Dochula Pass is serene, creating a pleasant atmosphere that supports the Buddhist concept of the cycle of life and death.

mountain backdrop across dochula pass

What makes Dochula Pass special?

It is Picture Perfect – Every pass in the globe has its charm, but Dochula Pass stands out for the vibrant flags lining the highways. You wouldn’t want to miss the spectacle of the 108 Chortens standing directly in front of the impressive Himalayas. You won’t be able to stop yourself from shooting photos in this paradise because it is surrounded by carpets of flowers!

The 108 Chortens’ beauty will revive and improve your perception of Dochula Pass just as soon as you think it has lost its allure. These Chortens, which were built in honor of Bhutanese army personnel, exude an atmosphere of tranquility and tranquillity. In the midst of the 108 Chortens’ stunning splendor, you can have a little picnic.

The Majestic Himalayas- Every person who views the majestic Himalayas senses the presence of God. All tourists can enjoy the wonderful picture of the mountains covered with snow. You only need to catch a glimpse of Bhutan’s tallest Himalayan Peak to experience goosebumps running down your spine. The Dochula Pass offers a direct view of Mt. Masanggang, which is 7158 meters high.

The gorgeous Druk Wangyal Lhakhang- The stunning Druk Wangyal Lhakhang is one of Bhutan’s famously tranquil temples, and the Druk Wangyal Lhakhang is a prime example. This temple, which is elevated and surrounded by magnificent rhododendron plants, has a golden ceiling as well as numerous murals and wall carvings. Pictures of the Royal family and Druk airplanes are included in the artworks. The enormous statue of Guru Rinpoche that stands in the center of the temple provides an amazing perspective.

The Hidden Caves – There are a few little caverns tucked away inside a treasure trove close to the lovely Chortens. You can access the monks’ hidden tunnels on the back side of the building via a number of little passageways. These caverns feature beautiful artwork of several Guru Rinpoche avatars and intricately carved entrances. These caves, which the monks use for meditation, are the Dochula Pass’s best-kept secret.

chortens of dochula pass

How to reach Dochula Pass?

The charming Dochula Pass is conveniently accessible by road. You can travel by automobile for between 45 and two hours to get to this magnificent pass, which is located in the midst of the highway between Punakha and Thimphu. You may reach the confluence of Bhutan’s two rivers by taking a route heading east from the pass toward Punakha.

You must first fly to Paro in order to go to Thimphu; from there, you must use a cab or a car to get there. In Thimphu and Punakha, there are many taxi drivers who can take you all the way to Dochula Pass.


dochula pass chortens

Travel Tips for Dochula Pass:

To visit the Dochula Pass, there are no entrance costs. However, there is a nominal cost to enter the temple’s upper levels.

For visiting the pass, you must obtain a permit from the Thimphu Permit Office.

You should dress appropriately for visiting the pass because of the very low temperature at the pass.

Everywhere near the pass, save the Druk Wangyal Lhakhang, is photo-friendly.


mountain behind chortens of dochula pass
